Resolution in Support of enhanced access to Rooftop Solar and net metering
Resolution in Support of Enhanced Access to Rooftop Solar and Net Metering
WHEREAS, Over the past two decades, over one million Californians have invested in rooftop solar to combat climate change, lower energy bills, and invest in local communities; and
WHEREAS, The State of California encouraged these investments via policies like net metering, which lets solar users share their extra energy with their neighbors for a bill credit and today rooftop solar, often paired with battery storage, is an increasingly affordable investment embraced by working class communities as a common and increasingly affordable solution to wildfires, blackouts, and rate increases; and
WHEREAS, net metering and, therefore, rooftop solar is at risk of being jeopardized by California’s investor-owned utilities, who are opposed to the growth of rooftop solar and storage because it threatens their business model, which depends on building an ever bigger and more expensive grid at the expense of ratepayers;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] calls on the Governor and California Public Utilities Commission to:
Keep rooftop solar growing to fight climate change and build a safer, more resilient grid;
Prioritize equity by bringing rooftop solar and storage to more lower-income families and disadvantaged communities; and
Make solar-charged batteries standard with rooftop solar by 2030; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] calls on Governor Newsom and the appointed Commissioners at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to reject any proposals by investor-owned utilities or organizations that side with them to slash solar bill savings or impose new fees on solar users that collectively would set back California's climate change and environmental justice goals, consign the public to annual power outages, reduce customer bill savings, and harm access to solar energy by lower-income ratepayers.