
3/1/21 TriValley Dems special meeting

SB271 - Judith Stacey

SB 271, as introduced, Wiener. County sheriffs: eligibility requirements.

The California Constitution requires the Legislature to provide for an elected county sheriff in each county. Existing statutory law specifies that a person is not eligible to become a candidate for the office of sheriff in a county unless the person has an advanced certificate issued by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training or meets a combination of certain educational degree and full-time, salaried law enforcement experience requirements, as specified. Existing law deems a person holding the office of sheriff on January 1, 1989, to have met those qualifications.

This bill would repeal those eligibility provisions, and would make other conforming changes.

For more info on the State Senate Bill Visit

VISITWatch the full meeting to hear all of the discussion and reasons to support the bill.

Tri Valley Democrats

Serving the Tri Valley area (Amador Valley, San Ramon Valley and Livermore Valley)

SB90 and AB1416